Solidarity approach towards Food Sovereignty

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We train all community extensions agents on the 4 dimensions of agroecology which include:


1.Environmental dimension-we emphasize on the food forest, Biointensive kitchen gardening, agroecology and soil and water conservation etc.
2.Economic dimension- working with Partner organizations, we build capacities for Collective Marketing, Solidarity Savings Group approach and diversification for resilience building
3. Political dimension – We build capacities of teams to accompany farmers in Building an agro ecological movement at local levels.
4.Social-cultural dimension Training on Gender and Agroecology, setting up community seed banks to share on seed knowledge and Diets is done to ensure communities implement what is practical in their regions.
Annual seed fairs-these are forum which provide farmers opportunity to share their indigenous knowledge as well as seeds within the community to enhance diversity.
Annual agroecology week and collective marketing-farmers have the opportunity to create awareness on the best agroecological practices to non-members as well as sell their produce at better prices without middle men.
Community tee nurseries-


Over 300,000 tree seedlings have been distributed by partners to farmers

Training for Transformation Course

targets development workers, facilitators, resources persons

Building economic resilience

solidarity groups practicing saving and credit approach

Conflict Transformation and Natural Resources

Carbon Project

Improved Jikos for better living