Act for Change Trust
About us

At Act for Change Trust

We are committed to catalyze and bring about real change in sustainable food systems in rural communities. We partner with organizations’ and institutions around the world to pursue projects in Agro ecology, economic resilience building and climate mitigation

Our Guiding principles

Result oriented

We deliver direct demonstrable results and measure our success by our impact

Human – Centered

Our programs are designed with people we serve in mind to ensure sustainability.

  Value driven

Guided by values of Integrity and Ethics, we deliver our services in transparent and accountable

Over the last 8 years in partnership with Fastenaktion

We have provided Programme Cycle Management, accompaniment and coaching services to the funded partners of Fastenaktion in Kenya.

Our Impact


Direct Beneficiaries

Indirect Beneficiaries

Solidarity Groups

Rocket Cook Stoves Constructed

Community Tree Nurseries

Tree Seedlings Distributed

Established Kitchen Gardens


Our innovative approaches to
solve problems

We offer training in Practical Agroecology, Bio intensive Kitchen gardens, Agroforestry and Training for Transformation Methods. This is can be carried out at Partner site or at our Training site. We also work with teams to formulate strategy, offer Project accompaniment and coaching to ensure that outputs and outcomes are achieved.

Training for Transformation Course

targets development workers, facilitators, resources persons

Solidarity approach towards Food Sovereignty

is an approach that takes care of the natural ecosystems

Building economic resilience

solidarity groups practicing saving and credit approach

Conflict Transformation and Natural Resources

Carbon Project

Improved Jikos for better living

Disaster Risk Reduction

Reforestation, Agroforestry, Food Forest Gardening, Low Cost water Techniques
Our experience

Training in Bio intensive
Kitchen gardening

Funded by Fastenaktion, we have trained project teams and farmers in over 10 organizations across the counties of Kajiado, Machakos, Vihiga, Kakamega, Makueni, Tana River, Laikipia, Baringo, TransNzoia and Bungoma.
Quality of services

Solidarity approach to Agroecology

We have trained over 150 community extension agents, Project officers and Project Coordinators across 12 counties in Kenya, We also accompany the Project teams, discuss gaps and together find solutions in the communities we work.

Our team

We are a motivated and committed team. We give our best. We discuss, challenge and question but also understand and respect.
Together we make it happen!

We are a catalyst of positive change in rural communities…

awesome portfolio

Farmers demonstrating their food produce from agroecology farms during seed fair function

Land preparation and planting training

A field visit to a farmer

in Olmoran- Caritas Diocese of Nyahururu assessing her food forest

A solidarity group

at Mwisa- Catholic Diocese of Machakos inspecting their kitchen garden vegetables

A community tree nursery at Mwisa

Farmers enjoying shade of trees planted in the food forest in Torosei

Maasai women at Torosei-Dupoto e maa, enjoying harvesting pigeon in peas from their agroecology farm

Grafting practical in progress

Gender training

Training on tree hole preparation

our News

Learn more from
our blog

Our Partners

Impact is everything

Rhapta Heights, Rhapta Rd,
Nairobi, Kenya

Address: P.O BOX 5378-00200 Nairobi.
Phone: +254 700 391222

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